• Introduction
    The Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) was established by Act No. 15 of 1994. The GRDB is governed by a Chairman and Board of Directors, and managed by a General Manager.
  • An integrated, sustainable and profitable industry producing and marketing rice for the benefit of all Guyanese.
  • To efficiently utilize the resources of Guyana to produce and market high quality rice and rice by-products, including value-added products, for local and international markets, while providing employment and foreign exchange earnings.
  • The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) is the local oversight body for all Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), under which drones are classified. There are many legal responsibilities governing the operation of drones in Guyana that must be followed. Use the link below to visit the Drone section of the GCAA’s website to learn more about operating a drone in Guyana. https://www.gcaa-gy.org/drones.html

DO Handle seed bags with care and in a gentle way. Label seed bags properly. Cover the seeds with plastic sheet/tarpaulin while transporting in open truck/ trolley on rainy days. Treat the seed paddy with the recommended insecticides and fungicides. Store the seed paddy at the recommended rate in the bag for soaking. Soak the […]

The Guyana Rice Development Board will be conducting a training course in all rice growing regions for Quality Control personnel desirous of obtaining a Grader’s License. All Farmers, Millers and Exporters are invited to participate in this training. Training will be conducted according to the below mentioned schedule. A fee of $15,000 will be charged […]

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