Tips for handling Seed Paddy
- Handle seed bags with care and in a gentle way.
- Label seed bags properly.
- Cover the seeds with plastic sheet/tarpaulin while transporting in open truck/ trolley on rainy days.
- Treat the seed paddy with the recommended insecticides and fungicides.
- Store the seed paddy at the recommended rate in the bag for soaking.
- Soak the seed paddy in clean, fresh running water (24-30 hrs).
- Drain the excess water, allow germination for 36 to 48 hours.
- Plant the germinated seeds on time.
- Throw seed bags from height.
- Mix with other variety seed/grains.
- Expose to rain, humidity and high heat (>42 oC).
- Broadcast germinated seed if the root is longer than 5 cm (2 inches).
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October 20, 2016